Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How does new oil look like?

How long automotive air conditioning oil (PAG OIL) look like?

When fresh from factory, the oil is white and translucent.

Once its lubricating property starts to drop, the oil has started to turn light brown. Light brown oil is bad, trust me. You do not want to spend thousands of dollars to repair your car's air con.

I just had a car that has the air con system neglected throughout the years of driving and modification. Leak is detected along the H and L ports pipes.

Replacement of these two pipes is a simple task but they cost a bomb!!! Two pipes from Subaru factory and with labor will burn a hole in your pocket. Two pipes alone will cost you $1k-1.2k!!! When I first saw the bill, I thought my blood sugar is low...

Friends of mine, repairs for air conditioning system is not cheap. The two pipes could actually buy you a system 2 for your house!!!

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